Sunday, September 24, 2023

Imogen and Co.

Imogen is slowly becoming accustomed to Aurora. Miss Silky still growls and hisses at the kitten when the latter is too close for the former’s comfort. Tellingly, however, Imo will tolerate Auro’s proximity if she comes no closer once the warning is given. The younger cat is not very bothered by Imogen’s dislike, and accepts the limits imposed by the older feline. As may be seen, close is all right; closer is not.

Imogen doesn’t care for Brazil, as the latter still likes to chase her. He will rush at her and even jump up onto the tops of kitchen cupboards after Imo, which of course angers her. I don’t know what Brazil’s object is in these actions, whether it is actual hostility – which I can’t believe – attempted intimidation or even a misunderstood invitation to play. For now, though, I must intervene when it occurs, as my girl is unnerved by such events, and I will keep them separated if I think Shimmer is approaching too closely.

Nonetheless, Imogen’s attitude toward at least half the newcomers is improving, even if she still likes to take her meals to great heights…


  1. "I need to make sure I don't get any cooties from you, the 'newcomer.'"

    Such social horrors, LOL! Keeps you on your toes:)

  2. I love the photos. It seems that Imogen and Aurora are learning to tolerate each other. But then there's poor Brazil...

  3. Seeing the two of them flaked out on the bed together is adorable. I suspect Brazil is being a pesky little brother...

  4. I am glad Imogen and Aurora tolerate each other. As for Brazil, bratty little brother springs to mind.

  5. As long as Imaging leaves the freezer door set, I think she's probably not causing trouble or getting anybody else in trouble. At least Aurora is breaking the ice with Imogen. Brazil is just a bit of a man cat having a race around that she probably isn't happy about yet.

  6. I like the idea of high rise food. Keeps it safe from nosy newcomers. Testing the bounds is definitely what young cats and new cats do. Paws crossed the dividing lines will be drawn, and then, maybe in a year or so they will blur enough for a happy family.

  7. Ah, the peaceful tolerance between Imogen and Aurora is great. Perhaps Brazil *will* be adopted, thus remedying the issue Imogen has with him.

  8. They're kids! Plain and simple. The are just like them. Because they are!

  9. It's good to hear that Imogen is making her peace with Aurora. Even though it sounds like she's missing the days when Brazil hid all the time.

  10. Whew!
    Glad my laptop screen was facing in another direction, 'cause if Manny saw Imogen eating on top of the fridge...nope, we don't want to go there.
