Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Her Attention Caught

For some reason, Imogen has never been interested in looking at the world through the kitchen window. But yesterday afternoon, something caught her eye after she jumped up on the ledge under the window, preparatory to leaping up to the top of the kitchen cabinets. She stopped and spent considerable time watching.

If you enlarge the third photograph, you may be able to make out the magpie, to the left of the yellow sand-bin in the middle distance. Fortunately for Imo, the bird hopped closer, oblivious to the possibly murderous desires of the cat behind the window. Or perhaps fully cognizant of them, and chuckling.

Miss Silky was not amused in any case.


  1. Taking over that window for Percival? She'll be on the look out for that magpie now.

  2. I have my money on that magpie chuckling.

  3. I bet the magpie is chuckling. He realizes Imogen can't get to him, but Imogen doesn't. However, I'm sure she'll keep trying.

  4. I, too, would place a bet on the magpie gleefully chuckling. It's great kitty "tv" for Imogen, though!

  5. Cat television with the devious burds is definitely entertaining and frustrating at the same time.

  6. She was very engrossed in watching the magpie. She will be looking out for him now.

  7. We see such wonderful things outside our windows

  8. Dearest John,
    Purrfect kitty TV!
    Sure, the magpie loved its view as well and felt mighty.
