Sunday, May 19, 2024

Big Tummy Good Pillow

After his haircut, Neville has been using cat-beds more, as well as the heated blanket on the sitting room armchair. I don’t think he is cold, since he rarely changes his location if a window is open. But he probably is feeling a little cooler right now.

That’s good news for a cuddler like Brazil, who here is taking advantage of both his big brother Nev and the heating pad. This afternoon was cool and rainy, the perfect sort of day for snoozing with a pal. Shimmer got to snuggle, and the Nevsky had warmth from several directions. I think both cats were pleased, even if Neville looks like he was asking me not to take such an embarrassing picture…


  1. What a wonderful picture. Neville and Brazil look so comfortable and relaxed.

  2. Not often we see your pussy~cats cuddling
    up that close's lovely...Bless!x

  3. That is lovely to see them cuddled together so peacefully. I have been on holiday and unable to comment for the last two weeks.

  4. Very nice of Brazil to offer his fur coat to help hide all that bare skin of poor Neville.

  5. What a sweet photo. They look perfectly content, as kitties should be. ❤️

  6. I think I love this picture about more than any other! It is just perfect for the both of them.

  7. A freshly shorn Nevsky has got to be a delightful pillow!

  8. I think Neville was much happier than he wanted to admit...

  9. Awww it is nice to see some friendly behavior from your roomies.

  10. Sweet photo! A cuddle buddy on a cool, damp afternoon is awesome.
