Saturday, May 25, 2024

Iago Turns Indigo

I’d suspected it for a while, but it was confirmed this morning: Iago is a girlcat. A colleague from the rescue-group came by to take pictures of the newcomer and, with two pairs of hands, we were able to determine that Iago is female. Therefore, Iago has become Indigo.

Indigo did pretty well with a new person. I had to coax her onto my lap first, so that I could hold her when the other person came into the library. Indigo was fearful but not very scared. She didn’t fight me holding her; this bodes well for putting her in a carrier and taking her, at last, to the veterinary. It also suggests that another, permanent, home, with other people, will require only a normal period of adjustment before Indigo warms to different surroundings.

She may not have thought so, but it wasn’t a blue day for Indigo.


  1. I love the photo of Indigo/Iago. It looks like she doesn't mind being held at all.

  2. Agreed, that's a terrific photo of her. I admit that her gender change comes as a surprise to me. Lol. I like the name Indigo!

  3. And here I thought maybe you dyed her furs. Now that she knows that you know that she's a she I bet she will be a lot more friendly.

  4. I had a feeling, based on nothing of course, that she was a girlcat! I just knew it. She's a pretty girl and I am glad she is showing that she is able to adapt. Smoochies, Indigo. Love your name.

  5. I'm sure she's happy that THAT has finally been cleared up. And that's a charming new name!

  6. I'm glad the sweet girl is doing well and showing lots of love and potential!

  7. Well now, that's an unexpected newsflash.

  8. She's a lovely girl. I do Indigo finds her forever home soon.

  9. indigo ewe R a total lee kewl cat N yur coat iz like pawesum awesum:)
