Saturday, May 4, 2024

Two Parts Progress, One Part Regress

I had just written to a friend that little was going on in the Cosy Apartment, so there was little to report on my blog. Thanks to Brazil, I can now write something on my blog…

Iago’s integration is proceeding slowly but in the right direction. He has seen all the cats, hissed at all of them, but is growing accustomed to them, like them or not. They watch him from doorways (as Imogen is doing in the picture below (that’s the tip of the Venetian villain’s head in the far background)), they use his litter-box, they try to creep closer. These are all good ways of inching acquaintance forward. Then there is Brazil.

He hasn’t lunged at Imo in quite a while. He decided to do that last night. That wasn’t a big problem. I told him in no uncertain terms to get out of the bedroom (where Miss Silky was). He ran out at full speed, into the library and up onto the carpeted bookcase under the window, where he often went when he knew he was in trouble – and where Iago was lying just then.

There was a shriek and a bellow and I ran in just in time to see Iago chasing Shimmer off the bookcase. Brazil ran out of the library and up the tall cat-tree in the sitting room, his eyes huge and his tail puffed up like a fox’s. Iago was antagonised. He has been extra sensitive to the other beasts invading the library since.

Fortunately, he did not carry that mood to me, and spent a satisfactory amount of time on my lap later that night. Nonetheless, it may be a long(er) while until my newcomer welcomes his roommates into his room. Thanks, Brazil.


  1. Now isn't that the most innocent face of all times on Brazil. He can do no harm can he.

  2. Lynn is correct - Brazil has such an innocent expression, who would ever think he'd antagonizing Iago? Ahh, there's never a dull moment at the Cosy Apartment.

  3. Ooh boy. The peace never lasts for long in a household with multiple Beings, some with strong personalities! I hope you have sustained peaceful co-existence sooner than later!

  4. At least he is safe as he gets adjusted.

  5. I'm sure you'll get them all squared away and happy.

  6. HaHa! Bless! As they say...It never rains but it pours...
    At least it all settled down at the end of the day...! :).

  7. They'll figure it out in time.

  8. Oh boy! What an unpleasant surprise! And accidental. Well, not really. Lunging at Imo was the precipitator...but he unknowingly landed on Iago as he ran for the bookcase! Not a good chain of events. Brazil...I wish you had a cat wheel to occupy you! (I know, those things are expensive or *I* would have one. )

  9. I figured that the reason you hadn't posted for a while was a case of "No news is good news." Why am I not surprised that it'd be Brazil who'd break that pattern?

  10. well, ya tried.. dinna ya buddy....ewe all hafta make sure dadz a lert, N what better way than sum actshun...rite :) ♥♥♥

  11. Trying to figure out cat antics will make any human go 'round the bend!' ;-)

  12. I'm sure the abrupt arrival of Brazil caused Iago much consternation, and his response obviously had Brazil freaked too. At least it didn't turn into a brawl!
