Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Life is On-going Adaptation

Renn will sometimes throw up in the early mornings, usually between three and three-thirty. Sometimes, that’s the result of his kidney issues. Cats with kidney disease are prone to puking in the mornings. Also, my big boy will toss up a hairball from time to time. He gives me a good warning of the impending upchuck. I can usually get to him before he accomplishes his feat and put a bucket or shallow box under him, so as to contain the mess.

But someone else has learned the signs, too. When we hear Renn starting to gag, I get out of bed, switch on the light, and fetch the bucket. At the same time, Imogen gets up, climbs off the bed and sits on the little bedside staircase or the small dresser near it. There she waits until Renn has finished with his extractions, after which she returns to the bed and settles down once more. I don’t know if this is a matter of Miss Silky’s rest being disturbed, or of her not wanting it disturbed any more than it must.

Whatever the reason, she has adapted to the circumstances of Renn’s old age. While she may be annoyed, she has learned to make the best of it. And I think that may the secret to old age in general.


  1. Nurse Imogen over seeing the situation in case she is needed.

  2. I like Lynn's comment. I also think that adapting and making the best of changing bodies and circumstances are the "secrets" to life in general and definitely to aging!

  3. Poor Renn. Have you tried giving him cerenia?

    1. Oh yes, Cerenia is very good. But these incidents aren’t serious. He throws up twice, one after the other, then all is reasonably well again. He eats in the morning, he feels decent. Now and then, though, the vomiting continues through the day; he can’t keep anything down, not even water. That’s when I bring out the Cerenia. I bought a vial of it and administer it by syringe. That works wonders, but I save it for the bad days.

  4. Sounds like Imogen wants to make sure all is well with Renn before going back to sleep

  5. Poor Renn, glad he has you and Imogen to watch over him.

  6. Sweet Imogen, good job on nursing duty sweetie.

  7. Poor Renn! I'm impressed that he doesn't complete his actions before you get to him. Either he is very considerate or you are very vigilant and easily awakened.

  8. That's a sound that will get anyone out of bed.

  9. It sounds like Imogen may be alerting you to the fact that Renn isn't feeling well.
