Saturday, June 24, 2023

No Blood on the Moon

When I return to work on Monday, I will probably leave Dabney out of the library all day. I don’t believe he requires the room as a safe-zone but, more importantly, I don’t think he and Percival will cause each other damage in my absence.

Dabs has progressed quite a bit in his integration, though sometimes it doesn’t seem like it. Not more than an hour ago, he had a screaming fit because of Percy, but that is an indication of how he’s developed in the household. He was in the nylon tunnel, which he likes; Percy was peering in one of the holes in the side. I think Dabney realised that Percy was near, but seeing the latter’s fathead poke through a hole was sudden and unwanted.

Significantly, though, on this and other recent occasions, there may have been screaming – on Dabney’s part – but no fighting. Percy moved away and lie down, and Dabs stewed for a few minutes. Then they were done. He does a lot of warning; Percy likes to watch the newcomer and sometimes stares at him, and this annoys Dabney. But of actual fighting, I’ve seen none. To be honest, considering the injuries that Dabney seems to have received in past battles, I think he is most reluctant to come to grips with any other feline; thus, the screaming.

Dabney’s integration, therefore, will take another step on Monday. From the cats’ perspective, hopefully nothing will change, and they won’t take advantage of the referee’s absence.


  1. I have to think that Dabney has discovered that his voice is sufficient to warn the other cats away. Hopefully he learns in time that Percival means no harm, but is simply curious about his new house mate.

  2. Ha! Very true! I'll be more likely the one screaming...

  3. I'll look forward to reading all about how Dabney and Percy fared while you were at work on Monday. I'm sure everything will be OK, but I'm also sure you will worry a bit until you get home and see they are all right and the Cosy Apartment is in one piece.

  4. "The Evolution of The Clowder: What I Learned As A Cat Foster", by John Bellen.

  5. Bless him...!x
    Isn't there a film called 'The Tunnel'....
    I think go and look...!

  6. Hopefully when you get home all will be well. It seems Dabney warns with his voice and not claws which is very good. I suppose you could say he talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk!

  7. Dabney certainly looks good in the nylon tunnel. I will keep our fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong while you're at work. But I bet they'll be just fine by themselves

  8. Oh KIm! Good one, and yup. I wonder too.

  9. You are a brave man! I would do that as well, if it happened to be me making the decision but I would fester and worry all day...trying to peer though the ether and see what they were doing. I might even call Percy on the house phone to ask...

  10. Screaming is certainly better than fighting. I hope all goes well and Percy learns to keep a respectful distance.

  11. Paws crossed all goes well for everyone!
