Thursday, June 1, 2023

One Moves Forward, One Does Not

Astrid still has not had her kittens. She may be holding on to those little gems until Canada Day, to allow them a big entry. She is, however, being cared for, receiving plenty of attention, as much food as she will eat, fresh water and comfort. You’d think she’d want her offspring to partake of all that, too… But they will come in nature’s time, and I’ll let you know when they do.

In the meanwhile, Dabney continues to learn about the Cosy Apartment. I keep the library door open much of the time that I am present in the apartment, though I close it at bed-time and at other periods, too, to give him a break from the others. The residents don’t trouble him too much. Neville and Renn seem not to be any concern to the Dabs, but he feels that Imogen and Percival are too forward, especially the latter. They are not actually very intrusive, but I think Dabney knows they are young and active and healthy, and to a newcomer, and one who has had hostility shown him by such cats before, they mean trouble.

But I am not worried, as each day is a progression. When all is quiet, Dabney will come out of the library and explore. At other times, he lies on the threshold of the his room and watches his fellow felines. Seeing them go about their day does him good, I think. And he can retreat if he wishes. If I believe things are becoming too much for him, I close the door and give him some respite from his new world. In the library, he is free of anxiety, and he plays, watches out the window and rests.

Dabney is adapting, as most cats do.


  1. One step at a time, Dabney, and take all the time that you need.

  2. You know, it took me a moment to see that little gray face peeping in!

  3. Bless him. Wish I could love on him.

  4. Sometimes a cautious approach is the best strategy. 🙂

  5. One paw forward and 2 paws back. At least he is watching.

  6. All in their own good time for both of them.

  7. Some things just can't be rushed - Astrid's kittens and Dabney's adjustment to the Cosy Apartment. But we'll be patient and both will happen in time.

  8. I'm glad to hear that Dabney is making progress under your patient advocacy. As for Astrid, babies come when they are ready, no matter how much the mother wishes the pregnancy would be over. I speak from personal experience. :p

  9. Awww one day soon his curiosity will overtake him when it's time and there he'll be. As for the kittens, can't wait to see them!

  10. That is wonderful news about Dabney and we look forward to hearing about Astrid's babies!
