Tuesday, August 1, 2023

New to Here

Brazil arrived at the Cosy Apartment yesterday. I don’t think he finds the place all that cosy. So far as I could tell, he spent most of the time wedged between one of the bookcases and the wall. He did walk in the litter-box (without using it) and, I think, drank some water.

This may take a while.


  1. Poor little scared guy. I hope he realizes soon that he's in a good home.

  2. Poor little guy. It may take several days to get him to do anything.

  3. Poor love. What are those tubes of paste treats that most cats seem to like so much? When he's comfortable enough to come out of hiding, maybe sitting in with him and offering him some will help win his trust. Whatever you do, and however long it takes, I'm sure you will be successful!

  4. Well, you do know brazil nuts are the hardest to crack, lol. I do hope the little fellow gets out from under very very soon.

  5. Poor little chap, but if anyone can bring him out of his shell it will be you.
    I just realised what I wrote! It wasn't intended to be a pun but I will let it stand!

  6. It may take some time, but I'm sure with love and patience, Brazil will realize what a great place The Cosy Apartment is.

  7. Purrs little guy. You will be all right.

  8. Poor fella. I hope he gets adjusted.

  9. Oh dear, poor boy. Good thing you have lots of patience.

  10. Bless! I think in this case, the sooner he sees
    the other inmates, the better..!

  11. Brazil will find the accommodations lovely once he comes out! :)

  12. Oh, safety in the darker recesses...hope he'll come out of there and stasrt exploring...poor dude. New things are so scary.
