Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Watching Him Change, Slowly

One of the most interesting things about fostering a cat is seeing his behaviour evolve. Brazil is a good example. He remains wary of me in most cases. But he is becoming accustomed to me, as well. Meal-times bring him out of the library, his safe-room, to wait with the boys. He is impatient for his food, talking (complaining) quietly through its preparation. When the bowl is brought to the library for eating (I still feed him shut up in there; if he can roam at meal-times, he often will inject himself into others’ food, either because he is finished with his or wants to see if there is something better on someone else’s dish), he will dance in front of it until I set it down. He will risk proximity to me to start eating as soon as possible.

He spends quite a bit of time out of the library, in the sitting room, visiting the kitchen, using the litter-boxes in the store-room. And he has begun another new habit: he lies under my bed, near a corner where the bedspread covers him. This is intriguing because if he were afraid of me enough to hide, he would stay in the library or, in extremis, in the library’s closet. Instead, he lies under the bed, knowing I am in the room, just feet away. The only explanation I can conceive is that he wants to be close enough to study me, but wishes to remain moderately hidden, as well. This may be too human a solution to this new puzzle, but it may be true nonetheless.

Beyond this, the way he lies in the library, under the window, on top of the shorter bookcase, is more relaxed than priorly. He rarely squats hunched up, ready to bolt. Now, he stretches out, actually lying down. It would take him a couple of seconds to put himself into a position to run, so it is not the posture of fear. This in itself pleases me.

Imogen had been chasing Brazil almost on sight, but now does it intermittently, settling for growling and hissing instead. Renn will sniff at the newcomer but he and Neville largely ignore him. We’ve a long way to go, Brazil and I, but we are getting there. We are in no hurry.


  1. Imogen, I thought we talked that chasing thingy over there by the tunnel the other day. Come on now. Put yourself in Brazil's place, just as I was saying that day. I am impressed he has made it to the bed site. Does he sleep there, or just come by for a look at the goings-on?

    1. No, he doesn't sleep there, so far as I know. I think he sleeps in the library.

  2. I agree - By lying under the bed, Brazil is able to study you while he remains incognito. After all, if he can't see you, you can't see him!

  3. Lurking under the bed is quite a clever move. He can get a better feel for life in the apartment without making himself visible. Smart boy, Brazil!

  4. Brazil is slowly coming out and into his own this is good

  5. Brazil is taking it one kitty step at a time. I think he's come quite a distance already, and you have every reason to be pleased with his progress. 🙂

  6. HeHe! Perhaps the next film review you do John,
    may be of a romantic notion, and quieter than a
    war film, then perhaps Brazil might pop out and
    enjoy it...less noise and all that...!
    Still..slowly but surely he's getting there...! :).

  7. For a little chap who was so frightened, I think he is coming along remarkably well.

  8. Dearest John,
    Those are big improvements and it shows that he appreciate HIS Human as he wants to be able to 'hear' and 'smell' you. Some very important things for any kitty.
    LOVE always wins in the end and with some patience you're getting there.
    The way he stretches out on the bookcase is also a tell–tale sign of really feeling 'at Home'.

  9. Brazil is so fortunate to have found his way to your home. I suspect some would try to rush the process, with you, however, he has the time he needs.
    It's good to hear the others aren't too fussed at him being there. I'm sure Imogen will get over herself at some point. Brazil may need to be patient too. :)
