Wednesday, August 23, 2023

That Certain Feeling

It’s been a few days since I’ve reported from the Cosy Apartment. The fact is that there is not much to report, which is rather a relief. Renn sneezes his usual amount but eats decently and purrs readily; Neville still dirties his bum from time to time, but not always; Imogen is active half the day, a lump the other half, but affectionate throughout.

Brazil continues his improvements, albeit slowly. He doesn’t hide as much – though he is still invisible for the majority of the day. But he shows himself more, doesn’t run from me quite as much, and even pokes his head out of the library at meal-times, as if to make sure he will be receiving his share.

The real change is in the weather. Every year, it seems, there comes a point in the late summer, in August and not even September, when there arrives an autumnal sense in the air. There will be hot days yet but even high temperatures feel a little different than the same temperatures a month before. It’s like when the current from a forced-air furnace is still blowing up through the vents, but the heat is diminishing, in preparation to shutting off. Warm breezes are less convincing, as if their minds are elsewhere. The grass is still a deep green and the leaves haven’t even turned colour, never mind fallen. Yet there is a change.

I don’t mind this. The torrid temperatures of summer don’t please me, though the bleakness of winter doesn’t treat me any better. Early autumn, with its crisp night air and daytime skies whose blue is just a little duller than a few weeks priorly, provides just the right weather for me. The period doesn’t last long; in fact, its harbingers seem to endure longer than the season itself.

Gradually, we are preparing ourselves here. Windows are open less wide and blankets pulled up at night. And slowly, the Cosy Apartment feels a little cosier.


  1. Like you, I am not a fan of summer. If the temperature goes above 65 degrees, I complain very loudly. So I do look forward to autumn - it's my favorite season. But anymore, it seems that we go from summer to winter and back again while spring and fall each last only about 5 minutes.

  2. I am glad all is well at the Cosy Apartment. Like Roberta I don't like and can't tolerate temperatures above 65F. Apart from a few hot days in June we have been getting temperatures in my comfort range. I just wish we didn't get as much rain to accompany them. 180% of our average rainfall in July, and still raining most days in August, and still we have a hosepipe ban!

  3. I'm glad things are on an even keel at the moment. We've had a couple of very fall-ish mornings, and while I don't like the high humidity of summers, I do like warmth. I'm NOT looking forward to another long, and yes, bleak, winter. I'm going to enjoy our late summer weather as much as possible!

  4. Sounds good all round then John...
    The weather over here is much the
    same...couple of me
    a chance to cut the grass out back,
    and generally tidy up...
    And Fudge has been round for a saucer
    of milk and a chat...! :).

  5. I hope Neville has no issues with his mouth and jaw now. Can't wait to see more photos of him exploring. Glad Renn is taking life easy. Here we are having 3 inches of rain with a raging storm. But back to heat and humidity after it is over.

  6. I'm dusting off my sandals, getting ready for warmer weather here. Glad the roomies are behaving.

  7. I had the same feeling three days ago. I was just getting into the car when I noticed despite the warmth, it was different. The color of the sky and more importantly where the sun was shining from...strong indicators. I had in mind to go to my personal blog and write about it later that day and didn't get an opportunity because of happenings here. I may still do so. .

  8. I know exactly what you mean. The days are still hot where I live, but the nights and early mornings are beginning to take on the refreshing crispness of autumn. Fall and Spring are my favorite times of the year, providing a much needed respite from the Freezing My Toes Off and Eaten Alive By Mosquitoes seasons.

    It's good to hear that things are peaceful at the Cosy Apartment.

  9. Every kitty looks darling! I'm getting a little impatient for Fall I must admit, Texas has been way too HOT!

  10. stoppin bye witha soooper quik Hi, had a moe mint oh free wi fi,
    make sure to eat sum perch pizza pie, timez up now, sew oh kay..BYE ‼️🐟💚

  11. Good to hear that, in general, all is well at the Cosy Apartment. Brazil is learning to trust, and that's a wonderful thing.
    I'm looking forward to fall as well. I enjoy the cooler nights especially, though, I'd be happy if winter stayed away at least until January. :)

  12. My first visit here and I will be back as I liked what I found, I do not have three cats as my pet having days are over and my husband doesn't like cats, he prefers dogs but what he really prefers is no animal in our home, although over the years we have had a few dogs about 6 of them in total over time.

    1. I don't look forward to the time when I will be without a cat. Sigh. Thank you for coming to visit the blog.

  13. Dearest John,
    No doubt your 3 kitties will remain cozy at your home throughout winter time.
    Our five had to make do with the cat–sitter (teenage boy who lives with kitties too!) while I drove long distance to get my medical pedicure at Georgia's ONLY certified Podologist. After that I managed to do the shopping, with my Pieter loading the car—due to my excruciating back pain post surgeries. But I DID it and we stayed for a free night at the Hyatt Regency Suites so I did not have to rush back home through heavy traffic.
    Next day after late breakfast, I drove back home. This time we made use of the Express Lane, two weeks ago I left too early from the hotel and it was still closed South Bound.
    We learn!
    Hugs and good luck with your fur babies.

    On my blog, if scrolling down you find the label: Our Felines for learning more about our kitties.

    1. A busy time for you! No doubt your five missed you during the over-nighter.

    2. 💯 Yes, our kitties do MISS us when we're gone...

  14. As time passes, I just hate Winter, and welcome every other season because they aren't Winter.
