Saturday, December 4, 2021


Tucker died this morning, at 8.40.

My roly poly sausage had to fight a tough war through most of his life. He suffered a severe urinary blockage that nearly killed him; he had to have all his teeth removed; he was diabetic, and had failing kidneys, possibly pancreatitis. He beat them all; his enemies had to bring up the big guns of cancer to defeat him. But though he was at last driven from the field of battle, I can’t help thinking, even now, that my Tucker was, nonetheless, victorious.


  1. We are so sorry to hear this. Tucker fought the good fight and had the love behind him to do it. Purrs to you in this sad time.

  2. God bless you and your huge heart John. You are a warrior for your cats' well being and happiness. Tucker lived the best life possible. We are lucky to have you in this life, and you are an inspiration.

    1. Thank you for visiting us and saying good-bye to Tucker. I know it was weeks ago now, but my gratitude is ever-green.

  3. John, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I don't know what to say. I'm devastated. Out of all your cats, I've always had a soft spot for Tucker. Please know that I feel your loss and that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  4. Oh, no. When you didn’t give any further updates after taking him to the vet, I feared something bad had happened. Rest in peace, sweet Tucker, your wars are finally over.

  5. Oh, no. When you didn’t post updates after taking him to the vet, I feared something bad had happened. Rest in peace, sweet Tucker, your battles are finally over.

  6. Rest peacefully now dear Tucker. You fought the good fight. You finished the race. You were brave always...your Dad told us. You are indeed victorious. Your presence will always be missed at your home, and by me in mine. Goodbye for right now, Tucker.

  7. Tucker's passing has left a huge hole in our hearts, yours most especially. I'm so deeply sorry and am sending my condolences. He was a true warrior and I hope his spirit is flying free now, young and healthy again. ❤️

  8. I am so sorry. Tucker bravely overcame so many obstacles through his life with your help. He couldn't have wished for a better home and will be sadly missed. My thoughts are with you.

  9. It felt like a ton of bricks hit me. When I saw the title of your post I was expecting something very different. John I am so sorry. There are no easy ways to express how deeply sadden I am, thinking of you and Tucker.

  10. Dearest John,
    Knowing all too well how it feels when we lose a furry family member. We're down to only five out of eight kitties.
    But when their life is more suffering than joy, it is time for them to pass on. We will never forget our loyal companions!
    On my blog, down is the label Our Felines and there are lots of stories...
    Big hugs,

  11. I'm so very sorry Tucker lost the battle. I'm sure he's busy training warriors at the rainbow bridge. Still, it's hard on those left behind. Our hearts are with you, purrs and hugs

  12. I am so sorry to hear that Tucker has passed away. You will miss him as you do all the others that have lived and left you. I am thinking of you and now Renn and Neville and Hector. Tucker lived through a lot and he is now peaceful.

  13. No, no, no! 2021 cannot end soon enough. It has been an awful, terrible, no good year for too many of us.

    I'm so sorry to hear that Tucker has passed away. Your house will feel empty without him. May your sweet memories of Tucker bring some comfort.


  14. We are sorry for you and the rest of the family - but Tucker is now off on his new adventure , healthy and pain free.

  15. and as night descends upon trout towne, with it comes
    the stillness and quiet, that night brings, and tonight
    there are a multitude of stars in the sky. and we hear a voice,
    a familiar voice, ever so faint. and we look up and to the west.
    and the voice becomes clearer and says, “ no, you really,
    haven’t won”. then we see a new star shining ever so brightly
    in the heavens. and the star reveals itself. it is our friend and
    “family member” , tucker B., the cat father of trout towne. we
    love you dood…..always ✨❤️

    1. The Catfather will always watch over Trout Towne.

  16. What a journey for Tucker, but we are glad that he found a loving home with you. Rest well sweet boy.


  17. Oh dear! I started crying as soon as I saw his picture. I'm so sorry, John. You are right, he was a victorious. I hate, just hate cancer!!!

  18. We are so, so, so sorry to hear about dear Tucker, he will fight the evils as an Angel now. Such a sweetheart.

  19. Oh Tucker, you look such a wonderful boy. A journey and a half but you were a source of love for your family.

    Bless you sweetheart.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in remembering my Tucker. It was kind of you to visit us.

  20. Oh Tucker, you look such a wonderful boy. A journey and a half but you were a source of love for your family.

    Bless you sweetheart.

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten cats

  21. I'm so sorry about Tucker. He's such a brave warrior in all his life obstacles. Victorious indeed. You gave him all the love and a wonderful home <3

  22. I'm so sorry about Tucker. He was a brave warrior in all his life obstacles, victorious indeed! He got all the love from you and a wonderful home.

  23. What a tough battle Tucker had.....over and over and he was the victor! That takes guts. He was so special. A real fighter. The picture shows him happy ad content.....a suberp way to remember him.


    Jean, Tyebe and Shoko

    1. Yes, Tucker fought and put up with a great deal. He was my happy warrior. Thank you for remembering him.

  24. Tucker will pass over the bridge into Valhalla with ease, most deserving and much loved, too...isn't that where all heroes go? He was a hero through all of his battles and we wish him godspeed...Condolences to his remaining fursibs and to dad from all of us: Tom, Bridget, Penny and mom Julie.

  25. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. XO

  26. You are now undertaking the long journey through grief. While others may share that grief we all walk it alone. There are no right or wrong paths, no proper way to carry oneself on the trek, no set amount of time to complete it. Some steps will come easier than others. There will be rogue waves of grief that you won’t see coming, and knock you back days. But you will come through it. If you get lost let us know. We have been through it before and we might be able to help you find the way out.

  27. I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy.

    1. Thank you for coming to give your condolences. It's been two weeks already, I know, but I will always be grateful for your kindness.

  28. We are sorry, John. What a special warrior Tucker was. And sureky he was victorious to have found the most loving home there with you. Sending you purrs and prayers as you mourn his passing.

  29. Mum and I are so very sorry that Tucker has crossed his Bridge.
    WE know it will leave a hole in your heart that will fill up with all the memories you have of that sweet kitty.
    Purrs and hugs,
    Julie and "mum" Nancy

  30. God bless you Tucker..!
    Never ever forgotten..!
    God bless you..always!xxx

  31. Tucker you were indeed a Warrior. Which is proof positive how TLC and kindness can help any human's well being.
    Run free handsome boy may gentle breezes and warm sun be plentiful
    Hugs Cecilia aka Angel Madi's Mom

  32. no words ... just send purrs and hugs

    1. I want to thank you for coming to give your condolences after Tucker died. It's been two weeks already; I hope you'll forgive the delay in thanking you. I will always be grateful for your kindness.

  33. Farewell, Angel Tucker.
    Rest in peace.

  34. I am so sorry. Tucker will live on in our hearts.

  35. I was so saddened to read about your precious Tucker. May he be strong and healthy as an Angel Kitty. I imagine there was a happy reunion at the entrance to the RB...

    ( I just sent you an email with a memento in honor Tucker's memory.)

  36. I am so very sorry to hear about your Tucker.
    He really is a warrior cat.

  37. We are so sorry to hear about your loss.
    Fly free now, Angel Tucker, safe in the Paw of the Great Cat in the Sky.
