Wednesday, July 19, 2023

This Shall the Good Man Teach His Son...

This is often where Imogen lies while I am trying to use my computer. I pet and stroke her head and face with one hand while working the keyboard and mouse with the other. It’s not efficient but it works for both of us.

I think she may have learned the advantages of such a situation from Percival, who took to lying in the same spot. He didn’t mind just sleeping while I worked, and didn’t need the extra attention.

It’s interesting how cats learn from one another. The first to walk on a regular basis from the bed to the window-ledge, using the desk as a bridge, was probably Parker. Others learned from him, and they in turn inadvertently taught others.

I wonder who in the future will see Imo lying where she is and decide to emulate her…


  1. I am so computer illiterate that maybe I need a cat to lay on my computer and make sure that it's always running correctly. Is that what these kitties are doing for you, LOL.

  2. Does she take an interest in what appears on the screen, or does she just like being able to grab your attention?

    1. Imogen’s no Zofia. She’ll watch the cursor move a bit for a short period but she’s more interested in getting attention than giving it.

  3. You'll have to get a bigger keyboard John....! :O)

  4. She is where she wants to be...right where her Dad can reach her and give pets and scritchies. MAYBE even a treat? Actually I wonder too who else will emulate her? (I can see she is mistress of the household!)

  5. I can visualize a kitty lineup, felines jostling each other to be next at the computer. 😁

  6. Be careful, John - Imogen just may take over your blog. I hear she wants to call it "I have two cats and one human".

    1. Ha! Very possible. I have a history of being owned by female cats...

    2. Loved that Roberta, How true that could be!

  7. What a girl! She's found a place where you are captive, at least while you're working on the computer.

  8. Aww nice to have a typing buddy.

  9. The title to this post had bothered me for 24hrs....
    Drinking coffee in Costa earlier, it suddenly dawned
    on me...Shakespeare's Henry V..? Agincourt..?
    St Crispin..?
    The word 'story' is missing...but...there ya go....
    "He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam'd,
    And rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say ".

  10. As long as Imo doesn't start using the keyboard!
